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Dream Dragon L


I’m Ryuu, They/Them. I’m a shapeshifting dream dragon otherkind. I have an orange furred pelt, sun-gold mane from head to tail tip, deep red underbelly. Thick fur on sides of chin that separates into three tuffs, yellow horns, a pair of sky-white feathered wings. I can change sizes, shapeshift into different forms of dragons, e.g. lung dragon, fae dragon. I have pearlescent eyes.

This is a page about me, of me, autistic, spiritual, queer, and draconic.

© Dream Dragon L

Fellow alterhuman that are interested in more of my personal writings about my own alterhuman experiences?

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Throughout the years, as I mature and grow, my sense of self and identity solidify into shape. From liking the color yellow, to red, to finally realize that orange is my color. My species has never been an issue, I have known it a long time ago.

I grew up with a spiritual background where the idea of reincarnation and past lives are but mere passing thoughts, present, believed, but not on the forefront.

Ryuu's Alterhuman Sensation

I have never felt like I belonged. I have not belonged. My strange obsession of special interest towards dragons and the comfort, connection it brought, the way I act, animalistic at times.

After I'd found myself, perhaps that's what they called "Awakening", things just slots into places. I'm a dragon. Or rather, I was.

When my mother took me with her friend to a mountain top to see a Buddhist monk who can See some sort of heavenly book, it was to everyone but me and my family's surprise, that I was a dragon of the pacific ocean.

Nowadays, I am not that dragon from before. Transmigration is a strange thing, the soul had experienced, it remembered, and new changes are layered on top.

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A past long forgotten, only seen thru glimpses of meditative session and a dream memory of turning into this whispy, jade white colored Japanese dragon.

Dream Dragon Field Note
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